Dean of Students

Angie Reams

Angie Reams, PhD

Associate Vice President & Dean of Students

Office of the Dean of Students Leadership Team

The Office of the Dean of Students is a campus leader and partner in creating meaningful learning experiences that foster and celebrate academic and personal development.

Keniese Evans

Keniese Evans

Assistant Dean, Leadership and Engagement
Angela Ibrahim-Olin

Angela Ibrahim-Olin, MEd

Associate Dean, Accountability and Care
Jocelyn Mueller

Jocelyn Mueller

Administrative Services Specialist
Bill Nelson

Bill Nelson PhD

Associate Dean and Executive Director, IMU
eric rossow

Eric Rossow

Senior Advisor, VPSL and DOS
tanya villhauer

Tanya Villhauer, MA

Assistant Dean, Well-Being and Basic Needs

Dean's Administrative Suite

Genea Bean

Gena Bean

Administrative Support
Jocelyn Mueller

Jocelyn Mueller

Administrative Services Coordinator

Student Accountability

Mike Mueller

Michael Mueller

Associate Director, Student Accountability
Kit Westermeyer

Kit Westermeyer

Assistant Director of Student Accountability

Student Care and Assistance

Anna Holbrook

Anna Holbrook, MS

Associate Director, Student Care and Assistance

Cody Howell

Student Care Coordinator

Andrew McKnight

Student Care Coordinator (Crisis Response)

Mashyra Taylor

Graduate Intern

Wellbeing and Basic Needs

Steph Beecher

Stephanie Beecher, MA

Basic Needs Coordinator
martha pierce

Martha Pierce

Program Manager
profile image

Liz Swanton

Program Manager