The Office of the Dean of Students handles requests from faculty and staff for a range of issues impacting students. With this in mind, in collaboration with University Counseling Service, the Office of the Provost, the Employee Assistance Program, Undergraduate Student Government, and Graduate and Professional Student Government, we created the Quick Guide for Responding to Distress.

Download the guide

  • Downloadable PDF version of the Quick Guide for Responding to Distress (COMING SOON FALL 2024)
  • Downloadable PDF version of the Employee Resources insert

Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for faculty and staff to help students connect with campus resources. We all can help each other.

University Counseling Service

University Counseling Service offers psychological services and outreach that fosters the mental health of students, nurtures student success, and contributes to a safe, welcoming, and multi-culturally aware campus community. University Counseling Service is available free to enrolled students and offers a variety of counseling services and approaches to best assist students in need. The University Counseling Service can be reached at 319-335-7294.

Student Care and Assistance

Student Care and Assistance in the Office of the Dean of Students works to foster student learning experiences that support academic and personal development and success. When students encounter emergency or crisis situations, such as prolonged illness, hospitalization, a death in the family, struggling with food insecurity or other basic need concerns, or any other difficult incident, that impact their ability to participate academically and socially on campus -- we are here to help.

Student Care and Assistance coordinates efforts among campus partners to assist students in accessing resources, overcoming challenges, and getting back on the path to success. Student Care and Assistance can be reached at 319-335-1162.

Employee Assistance Program

The Employee Assistance Program provides integrated services to faculty, staff, and their family members to promote emotional well-being and to increase engagement and productivity among members of our UI community. The Employee Assistance Program offers: confidential, short-term counseling to faculty, staff, and their families, consultation for supervisors/managers, and information and referral to community resources.