This website provides information for the University of Iowa campus community about hazing, how to report concerns, and find additional support and information about hazing.

How do we define hazing at the University of Iowa?

Policy Regarding Hazing

The University of Iowa’s Code of Student Life includes polices for individual students and student organizations regarding hazing that are consistent with Iowa state law.

University Policies regarding Hazing:

Code of Student Life:


Read Section: E.24 Hazing

Hazing is defined as any intentional or reckless behavior, action or situation, occurring with or without consent that:

  • endangers or creates risk of injury,
  • creates mental or physical discomfort,
  • hinders student engagement,
  • harasses,
  • embarrasses and/or ridicules a person,

This would include:

  • Assisting, or
  • Approving (implicitly or explicitly), or
  • Organizing, or
  • Otherwise participating in,

For the purpose of:

  • initiation into, or
  • affiliation with, or
  • as a condition for continued membership or a leadership role in any student organization, fraternity, sorority, or team recognized by the University of Iowa Student Government or by any other University sponsor or department.

Rules for Student Organizations

Rule 1. Hazing.

In accordance with Iowa state law, hazing is defined as any intentional or reckless behavior, action, or situation, occurring with or without consent that endangers or creates risk of injury, mental or physical discomfort, hinders student engagement, harasses, embarrasses, and/or ridicules an individual. This includes assisting, approving (implicitly or explicitly), organizing, or otherwise participating in the prohibited behaviors. For the purpose of initiation into, affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership or a leadership role in any student organization, fraternity, sorority, or team recognized by the University of Iowa Student Government or by any other University sponsor or department.


Read the Code of Student Life here.



What are the consequences of hazing?

Student organizations responsible for hazing at the University of Iowa have been held accountable in a variety of ways depending on the nature of the hazing and the organization's conduct history.