Undergraduate Colleges
As stated in Regulation 1 of the Code of Student Life General Conduct Regulations, violation of the regulations for academic misbehavior is ordinarily handled within the department or college concerned. The following procedure applies specifically to the colleges of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Education, Engineering, Nursing, Pharmacy, Public Health, University College, Business, and Medicine. Students who wish more specific information should inquire at the office of their respective dean.
Reporting of Plagiarism and Cheating
All cases of academic misconduct, including but not limited to plagiarism and cheating, are reported for action to the designated person in the office of the dean of the college, through departmental channels, with a statement of the necessary facts. The department and the instructor concerned may also submit recommendations in each case for appropriate disciplinary action.
Disciplinary Action
- By the Instructor.
The individual instructor may reduce the student's grade, including the assignment of the grade of "F" in the course. A report of this action should always be sent to the dean of the college. - By the Dean.
The dean of the college or a student-faculty committee appointed by them may impose the following or other penalties as the offense may warrant: completion of non-credit academic integrity program; disciplinary probation; suspension from the college; and expulsion. If the student disagrees with the decision made by the Dean, the student may request an appeal by the Office of the Provost.
Referral to the Office of the Provost
In the cases of flagrant or repeated offenses or for other reasons deemed sufficient by the dean of the college, the case and records may be referred to the Office of the Provost for appropriate action.
Record of Disciplinary Action
The dean's office shall maintain a record of disciplinary cases and disposition thereof and shall notify other agencies of the University, as are concerned, with action taken in the case. The student involved shall be informed that a record is being kept of the offense.
Graduate and Professional Colleges
Questions of academic dishonesty arising within the colleges of Medicine, Law, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Business, and the Graduate College are treated on an individual basis.
For programs under the Graduate College, the questions are handled at the departmental level. If the departmental decision is appealed, the dean may appoint an appeals committee of faculty and students from a slate of nominees prepared by the Graduate Council and the Graduate Student Senate to recommend an appropriate course of action. The Graduate College policy on plagiarism is posted in Section IV.F on the Manual at https://www.grad.uiowa.edu/manual-part-1-section-iv-academic-standing-probation-and-dismissal#1.4.F.
Students in professional colleges should inquire at the office of their respective dean for further information. If the student disagrees with the decision made by the Dean, the student may request an appeal by the Office of the Provost.
Disqualification from Academic Programs
As part of the college's academic standards program, professional colleges enforce ethical conduct codes for enrolled students. Students may obtain a copy of the college's current ethical rules and procedures by contacting the Dean of the college. In addition to suspending a student for unethical behavior, the college may contact the state professional licensing agency and decline to recommend the student for licensure.
Professional degree programs ordinarily include practicum requirements for graduation. As a pre-requisite for enrollment in a practicum, students admitted to a professional program may be required to successfully complete a training or orientation course, a health screening, and a criminal background check or meet other criteria required by practicum worksite policy.
A student admitted to an academic program who is disqualified from the program by the department may ask the Dean to review the department's decision. If the student disagrees with the decision made by the Dean, the student may request an appeal by the Office of the Provost.