Every student is required to report their correct residential address at the time of registration each semester or session. Address changes must be submitted on MyUI or in person at the Office of the Registrar (Registrar Service Center, 2700 University Capitol Centre). Any change of residence made during the semester or session must be reported within three days. Failure or refusal to comply with this regulation may result in restriction of registration. Reporting erroneous addresses is prohibited by the Code of Student Life and may result in disciplinary sanctions in addition to restriction of registration.

The current address must be reported to the University Registrar and must be the student's actual residing address. Reporting the parent's address is not acceptable unless the student is currently living at the parent's address or is enrolled in a study abroad program. Students interested in routing U-bills to the parent's address may do so on-line at https://myui.uiowa.edu by clicking on "Student Information" then "University Bill". Routing home a U-bill does not change the student's local address and does not satisfy the requirement to provide the Registrar with a current residential address.

With regard to electronic addresses, official correspondence from the University is regularly sent to students by electronic mail. Every student is considered to be on notice of the information contained in official University e-mail messages sent to the student's official e-mail address. In order to remain enrolled, every student must register an e-mail address with the University of Iowa and maintain their account so that all official University e-mail is deliverable. In composing messages, students are expected to comply with all of the University’s information technology policies, available at https://itsecurity.uiowa.edu/policies-standards-guidelines.

All students are assigned an official University email alias (firstname-lastname@uiowa.edu), hereafter referred to as the official University email address, and provided a University of Iowa target email account. All official University e-mail is sent to this official University email address. E-mail accounts with the University of Iowa are created through My UI at https://myui.uiowa.edu by clicking on "Student Information," then "My Email," and "Request Email Account.” A student can update their target address via MyUI at https://myui.uiowa.edu by clicking on "Student Information," then "My Email," and "Update Email Routing Address.” For more information about e-mail and e-mail support see the URL http://its.uiowa.edu/office365email

While it is not recommended, a student may forward their email to another email address. (In other words, a student may elect to forward e-mail addressed to their official University e-mail address to an account such as Gmail or Yahoo) Students who forward their e-mail to another e-mail address do so at their own risk and are responsible for all information, including attachments, sent to any other e-mail account. The University is not responsible for e-mail routed to any other e-mail address or for any difficulties that may occur in the proper or timely transmission or access of e-mail routed to any unofficial email address. A student’s failure to receive or read in a timely manner official University communications sent to the student’s official e-mail address does not absolve the student of the responsibility to read and comply with the content of the official communication. Faculty may legitimately assume that a student’s official University e-mail address, as available on class rosters, is a valid mechanism for communicating with a student and may use e-mail for communicating with students registered in their classes.