The first step to stop hazing is to report it.

How to Report Hazing

A hazing incident may be reported by anyone: a person who was directly affected by the activity, a person who was involved in the incident; faculty, staff, parents, friends, or community members; or anyone who is generally concerned about a student, a group, or an organization.

Report Hazing With This Form

Things to include in a report

When reporting, please be prepared to provide the following information as best as you can:

  • What is the name of the organization that you are reporting for acts of hazing?
  • When did the event(s) occur?
  • Where did the event(s) take place?
  • What time of day did the event(s) occur?
  • Who was involved in this event?
  • Are there any other people that were present or can corroborate the information you are providing? Please provide their names and contact information (if available).
  • How did you become aware of the event(s)?
  • Please describe the event(s) in as much detail as possible.
  • Please provide any documentation or photographs you may have.
  • Your name, phone number, and e-mail address.

If you plan to report anonymously, please include as much detail as possible.

You may also request a meeting with an investigator without providing personally-identifying information.
State you wish to schedule a witness meeting without providing your name. An investigator will meet with you, explain the investigation process,. To the extent possible, the investigator will record the information you share without including identifying information. This meeting can take place in-person , via phone, or zoom.

Report hazing via phone

Office of Student Accountability

University of Iowa Police
Non-emergency: 319.335.5022
Emergency: 911

Fraternity and Sorority Life Programs

Leadership, Service, and Civic Engagement

Recreational Services

National Hazing Hotline
Monitored by a Cincinnati law firm, callers may remain anonymous when using this system. Reports of suspected hazing are relayed to the national fraternity or sorority that may be involved.

1-888-NOT-HAZE (1-888-668-4293)

A Note About Retaliation

Victims of hazing are often concerned about retaliation from organization members if they report their experience.

The University strictly prohibits retaliation against an individual who makes a good faith report of suspected wrongful conduct or participates in an investigation, hearing, inquiry or court proceeding involving suspected misconduct at the University. Learn more about the UI's anti-retaliation policy here.

Still not sure if you want to make a report?

You have access to receive confidential and free emotional support and medical care through the University as well as request changes to your academic, housing, transportation, and working situations. The University of Iowa has confidential and non-confidential resources available to talk through the process and help you understand your options. Contact Student Care and Assistance for more information.