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- Assisting Students who Experience Sexual Harm
Assisting Students who Experience Sexual Harm
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Sexual harm includes any conduct covered by the university’s Policy on Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct, encompassing sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, dating/domestic violence or stalking.
- BE UP-FRONT about your ability to maintain confidentiality. Offering confidentiality you can’t keep will undermine trust, so know your reporting responsibilities.
- COMMUNICATE that sexual violence is never the responsibility of the survivor
- RESPECT THEIR CHOICES. This includes what and how much they disclose, what services are needed, and whether to report to law enforcement or university officials.
- DON’T ASSUME that physical contact, even a gentle touch or hug, will be comforting.
- ASK if they have safety concerns. Be ready to connect them with someone who can help with safety planning at the Rape Victim Advocacy Program, Domestic Violence Intervention Program, or Threat Assessment Program. The UI Police Department can assist with safety concerns and provide reporting options.
- INFORM the student about confidential support and advocacy services:
- DVIP/RVAP, 800-228-1625
- University Counseling Service, 319-335-7294
- Women's Resource and Action Center, 319-335-1486
FOLLOW THROUGH if you have reporting responsibilities. The policy may require that you notify the Title IX and Gender Equity unit (319-335-6200) in the Office of Institutional Equity within two business days.