Take immediate action if the student:

  • Threatens to injure, harm, kill, or risk the safety of self or others
  • Refuses to leave the classroom after being asked to leave
  • Reports or initiates a threat or bomb scare


University of Iowa Police Department (UIPD)
Campus Phone: 911
Public Safety Dispatch: (319) 335-5022

Report behavior of concern if the student:

  • Unusual communication and/or behaviors, including threats to harm self or others
  • Desperation, hopelessness, or suicidal thoughts
  • Unusual fixation on stressful events or losses
  • Inappropriate interest in weapons, mass attacks, or violence
  • Suggestion of violence as a solution to a problem


Threat Assessment Team
Phone: 319-384-2955
Email: uitat@uiowa.edu
Website: https://hr.uiowa.edu/threat-assessment/
Anonymous Online Report: https://hr.uiowa.edu/threat-assessment/when-should-i-contact-threat-assessment/
For urgent concerns for threats to self or others, contact UI Police 24/7 Dispatch Number: (319) 335-5022

Consult for guidance or advice if the student:

  • Appears to be out of touch with reality
  • Reports suicidal thoughts or actions, depression, hopelessness, anxiety, or difficulty dealing with grief


University Counseling Service (UCS)
(319) 335-7294
3223 Westlawn S.

UI Support and Crisis Line
24 Hour Support
1-844-461-5420 (Call or Text)
Chat: wellbeing.uiowa.edu

Student Health
(319) 335-8394
4189 Westlawn S.

CommUnity Crisis Services
24 Hour Support
1-855-325-4296 (Phone and text available)

GuideLink Center
24 Hour Support
(319) 688-8000
300 Southgate Avenue, Iowa City


Consult for guidance or advice if the student:

  • Reports having been a victim of a stalking
  • Reports sexual assault or relationship violence


Office of Institutional Equity 
(319) 335-6200

University of Iowa Police Department (UIPD)
Campus Phone: 911
Public Safety Dispatch: (319) 335-5022

Consult for guidance or advice if the student:

  • Indicates experiencing hate crimes, bias, or discrimination


Office of Institutional Equity 
(319) 335-0705

University of Iowa Police Department (UIPD)
Campus Phone: 911
Public Safety Dispatch: (319) 335-5022

Consult for guidance or advice if the student:

  • Reports feeling overwhelmed by a personal or family emergency/concern
  • Difficulty securing basic needs (ex. food, shelter, utilities, etc.)
  • Reports having been a victim of hazing or other crime
  • Exhibits behavior that interferes or obstructs university processes/functions, including instruction and office operations.
  • Expresses an overall sense of struggling with difficulties of an unclear nature


Student Care & Assistance (SCA)
Office of the Dean of Students
(319) 335-1162
135 Iowa Memorial Union

Consult for guidance or advice if the student:

  • Is having academic difficulty due to physical, psychological, or learning disability
  • Indicates a need for disability accommodations


Student Disability Services (SDS)
(319) 335-1462

Consult for guidance or advice if the student:

  • Is not attending class for an extended period of time
  • Seems overwhelmed by a problem that could affect university attendance or persistence


Early Intervention Team (EIT)
Danielle Martinez, Academic Support & Retention (319) 335-1497